Smile Score TikTok Filter Effect

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Smile Score TikTok Filter Effect

TikTok is full of great effects that allow you to add fun additions to your videos. Some popular TikTok effects include the Long Face effect, the Green Screen effect, and the Smile Score effect. These effects allow you to create awesome TikToks that just might get you famous. In this article we will be discussing the Smile Score TikTok effect. Below you will find the answers to pretty much any question you might have about the Smile Score filter on TikTok!

How To Get The Smile Score TikTok Filter Effect!

The Smile Score TikTok effect is easy to use but hard to master. This effect gives you a score for your smile. Your score will range from 0 to 100 depending on how good you are at smiling!

To get the Smile Score TikTok effect you will need to open up the TikTok camera and tap on the effects icon in the lower left hand corner. The Icon looks like this:

How To Get The Smile Score TikTok Filter Effect!

After you tap this button you will be presented with a number of different TikTok effect options that are organized into categories. The most popular TikTok effects will be filed under “Trending.” This is where you will find the Smile Score filter. You can see the Smile Score TikTok Filter selected in the picture below:

How To Get The Smile Score TikTok Filter Effect!

Once you select the Smile Score effect, you will see a little white speech bubble above your head with a pink number in it. This number is your official Smile Score! The bigger you smile the higher your Smile Score will be. When your smile score gets to 90 or higher, a pink glow will come from the sides of the screen. If you get the pink glow, you are a smile pro!

If you like the Smile Score filter on TikTok you should save it so you don’t loose it when TikTok removes it.

How to Get a Smile Score of 100 on TikTok!

Getting a high smile score on TikTok is no easy task. Even the most genuine smiles can sometimes fall short of a perfect Smile Score. Getting a 100 Smile Score can be easier for some people than it is for others. Despite being harder for some, anyone is capable of getting a 100 Smile Score on TikTok.

How to Get a Smile Score of 100 on TikTok!

In order to get a 100 Smile Score, you have to get your entire face involved. You can’t just use your mouth… your entire face has to put in work if you want to get that score up. By this I mean your eyes and cheeks have to meet certain criteria. Your eyes need to be squinting and there needs to be wrinkles in the corners. Your eyebrows will also need to be raised if you want to get a perfect smile score.

It is also possible to get a smile score of 0 on TikTok. To do this you need to pucker your lips and make a stern look with your eyes. This usually earns you a 0 Smile Score. A straight face is usually around a 30!

Comment below and share your best Smile Score on TikTok!

What is The Highest TikTok Smile Score You Can Get?

Everyone is trying out the new Smile Score TikTok filter effect. People are going to extremes to get the highest score possible. Heck, I even threw out my neck trying to contort my face to get a higher score… I did end up getting a 100 Smile Score! Anyway, people all over TikTok are asking the big question “what is the highest Smile Score on TikTok?

Best Songs To Use With The Smile Score Filter on TikTok!

The answer to this is quite simple. The highest score you can get is 100. If you have earned a TikTok Smile Score of 100 you have the highest score possible. No matter how much you change the shape of your face to try to get a higher score, it isn’t going to happen. 100 is the highest Smile Score you can get.

Best Songs To Use With The Smile Score Filter on TikTok!

When you use the Smile Score filter on TikTok you have a number of options to choose from. By far the most popular sound that is used with the Smile Score TikTok Filter is the Don’t Rain on Me Sound!

Don’t Rain On Me Sound on TikTok

Many people have used the Don’t Rain on Me Sound while using the Smile Score TikTok filter. They sit with a straight face then smile as the artist sings the word “we” along with a long drawn out musical note. They try to get their score up to 100 before the end of the sound!

Comment below if you have any other questions about the Smile Score TikTok filter effect!

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4 thoughts on “Smile Score TikTok Filter Effect”

  1. Pingback: Guide to The Long Face TikTok Filter - Snap Font

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