Attractiveness Scale TikTok Effect

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Attractiveness Scale TikTok Effect

You have likely come across a TikTok or two, or maybe three, that use the attractiveness scale TikTok effect. This effect scans your face and rates it’s attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being less attractive and 10 being more attractive. There is a lot of controversy around this filter as some seem to believe that the filter is actually an indication as to whether or not you are an attractive person. Others believe that the filter just generates a random number between 1 and 10.

We set out to investigate the attractiveness scale TikTok effect and unbox everything there is to know about this interesting little filter.

How to get the attractiveness scale TikTok effect

Viral TikTok effects seem to come and go then go viral again a few months down the road. One of the most evergreen effects that has remained popular since its release is the attractiveness scale TikTok effect. Whether you heard about this effect from a friend or just saw it come up on your for you page, you may be wondering how to get the attractiveness scale effect on TikTok.

Here are some easy to follow steps that will help you get your paws on the attractiveness scale TikTok effect.

  1. Open up your TikTok camera
  2. Tap the effects library
  3. Make sure you are in the trending tab
  4. Tap on the icon with the blue background and the orange fire (pictured below)
  5. Find out how attractive you are!
how to get the attractiveness scale TikTok effect

If the steps below didn’t help you find the attractiveness scale effect on TikTok, you can also use the link below. Tap the link below to get the attractiveness scale TikTok effect.

Go to the attractiveness scale effect

How does the attractiveness scale TikTok effect work?

TikTok has made their effects extremely easy to use but difficult to master. Luckily, the attractiveness scale TikTok filter is one of the easiest effects to use on TikTok. Once you have opened up the effect, using it is pretty self explanatory.

Some people have asked the question “how do I start the attractiveness scale TikTok effect?” or “how do I get the attractiveness scale TikTok effect to work?”. The answer to both of these questions is simple. Once you have the effect applied to your face, all you have to do is tap the screen to get it to scan your face and give you an attractiveness rating.

You technically do not need to be recording for the attractiveness scale filter to work but it is always fun to record your reaction to your attractiveness rating.

is the attractiveness scale TikTok effect accurate?

Does the attractiveness scale TikTok effect actually work?

There are some rumors swirling around on TikTok that the attractiveness scale effect actually can tell how attractive you are. Rumor has it they have developed technology that can actually tell if you are attractive or not. Truth is, the attractiveness scale TikTok effect is not accurate.

TikTok has not developed technology that determines whether or not you are attractive.

Why do I get a different rating every time I use the attractiveness scale TikTok effect?

You may find yourself getting a different number every time you scan your face with the attractiveness scale TikTok effect. If you are wondering why you keep getting different ratings, it is because the filter randomly generates an attractiveness rating. It is not actually scanning your face, the filter just selects a random number between one and ten.

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