Love Story Discolines Remix Challenge TikTok Trend

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Love Story Discolines Remix Challenge TikTok Trend

2020 has been an interesting year to say the least. We have seen a plethora of new TikTok trends come and go. Some trends have been the dictionary definition of cringy while others have actually been alright. One of the all around best loved TikTok trends so far has been the Taylor Swift Love Story TikTok trend.

Watch Love Story Discoline Remix TikToks

What is the TikTok trend where people follow the camera with Love Story Remix playing?

You may have come across a number of TikToks where three people are standing together with what sounds like the song Love Story by Taylor Swift playing. These TikToks are a part of what is called the Taylor Swift Love Story challenge.

After the introduction part of each Taylor Swift Love Story challenge TikTok, just after the line that says “he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said,” a fresh new remix to the song begins. The actual song is called the Taylor Swift Love Story discolines TikTok remix. As Taylor Swift sings “Marry me Juliet you’ll never have to be alone” a new sound is added to the song that builds up anticipation for the beat drop. The beat drops as soon as she sings “I love you and that’s all I really know.”

What is the TikTok trend where people follow the camera with Love Story Remix playing?

Once the beat drops the people in the TikTok start dancing or walking to the beat. This trend is a lot of fun to do with friends and is a great way to go viral on TikTok right now. If you are looking for some followers and interaction, you need to do the Taylor Swift Love Story discolines remix challenge on TikTok!

Here is how you do it!

How to do the Taylor Swift Love Story Discolines Remix Challenge on TikTok

One of the hottest trends on TikTok right now is the Taylor Swift Love Story Challenge. This challenge is as easy to participate in as it is catchy. The challenge features a Romeo and Juliet remix TikTok song that will knock your socks off!

How to do the Taylor Swift Love Story Discolines Remix Challenge on TikTok

If you want to do the Taylor Swift Love Story Discolines remix challenge on TikTok here are some step by step instructions.

  1. Grab two friends, ideally you want three total people to participate in the Love Story TikTok Trend.
  2. Search for the Taylor Swift Love Story Discolines Remix sound on TikTok. Visit this link if you are having trouble finding the Love Story discolines remix sound on TikTok.
  3. Now grab a skateboard or something that can roll away from the challenge participants with the camera/ phone mounted on it.
  4. Get creative! In the first part of the song you can do whatever. Act out a proposal, just casually stand there, do a slight dance, pretend to talk to your friends, whatever suits your fancy.
  5. Right when the song says “Marry me Juliet you’ll never have to be alone” push the rolling object away from you slowly to create a zooming out effect.
  6. After the “Marry me Juliet” line the beat will drop. When this happens you should either do an aggressive dance to the beat or walk while aggressively swinging your hips to the beat.

The Taylor Swift Love Story discolines remix trend on TikTok is a lot of fun to participate in. Try to get creative with it and see just how big your video will blow up.

How to get the Taylor Swift Love Story Discolines Remix Sound on TikTok

How to get the Taylor Swift Love Story Discolines Remix Sound on TikTok

The more you listen to the Love Story Discolines remix on TikTok the more addicted you become. This song is literally a drug. Many people are having trouble finding the Love Story TikTok remix sound. If you want to use the Taylor Swift Love Story Discolines remix sound on TikTok, or you just want to get your fix in an attempt to get the song out of your head here is how you can get the sound.

Tap the link below to get the Taylor Swift Love Story Discolines remix sound on TikTok:

Love Story Discolines TikTok Remix Sound

Comment below if you have any questions or thoughts you would like to share about the Love Story Discolines TikTok remix challenge!

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